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2013 Malta Events Diary

Below is a calendar with some of the main events and festivals in Malta in 2013. You can find out more about all events on our events by month pages.

February 2013

8th -12th February- Malta Carnival

24th February- Malta Marathon

March 2013

3rd March- In Guardia Parade

17th March- Alarme Re-Enactment

29th-31st March- Easter

31st March- Freedom Day

April 2013

7th, 14th and 28th April- In Guardia Parade

13th-14th April- Medieval Mdina

26th, 28th and 30th April- Malta International Fireworks Festival

May 2013

10th-12th May- Lejlet Lapsi Notte Gozitana

June 2013

26th June- L-Imnarja

21st-26th June- Malta Music Week

7th-9th June- Ghanafest

30th June-14th July- Malta Arts Festival

July 2013

18th-20th July- Malta International Jazz Festival

21st July- Feast of St Sebastian

26th July-4th August- The Farsons Great Beer Festival

September 2013

8th September- Victory Day

19th-22nd September- The Qala International Folk Festival

21st September-  Qormi Bread Festival, ‘Lejl f’Casal Fornaro

28th-29th September- Zejt iz-Zejtun

October 2013

11th-12th October- Birgufest

12th-13th October- Malta Military Tattoo

November 2013

22nd-24th November- Malta International Challenge Marathon

December 2013

8th December- Feast of the Immaculate Conception

24th December- Christmas Eve

25th December- Christmas Day

31st December- New Years Eve


2013 Malta Events Diary