Malta Holidays

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Blog posts in category: attractions

Exploring Malta: 5 Beautiful Reasons to Visit Malta

Thinking of your next holiday destination? You may not have considered Malta, but as you read the rest of this post, things can change. You might fall in love with this place, giving you a good reason to book your ticket now and start exploring this paradise, which may be …

Time to celebrate- Victory Day!

The 8th September is one of the most important national holidays in Malta. The day ‘Victory Day’ or ‘Il-Vitoria’ commemorates several different important events from Malta’s history. Although Malta is only a small island, it’s central Mediterranean location has resulted in it being susceptible to several nations trying to take …

The Iconic Malta Bus

Whilst nowadays the buses that serve the public transport networks in Malta are modern and look similar to buses that you will find across many other European countries, this was not always the case. In fact it was only in 2011 when the new modern fleet of buses arrived in …

The best place for bargain shopping- Malta Markets!

If your one for getting a good bargain then you will love Malta’s wonderful markets! Almost every town or village has one at least once a week so there are plenty to get round! The markets sell all sorts, including groceries, souvenirs and household items. As well as picking up …

Malta’s beautiful fishing boats

The colourful fishing boats used by Maltese fishermen have become an attraction for visitors to Malta due to their eye catching design! The boats are always brightly painted, the majority in red, yellow and blue. At the prow of the boats, there is always a pair of eyes, one on …

Cruising the Med…One day in Malta

Whilst many people will visit Malta for a week or two, there are plenty of people who may just have one day in Malta as part of a Mediterranean cruise! If you are one of these people and are struggling to think of how you can possibly chose between all …

Wine in Malta

Malta’s Mediterranean climate makes in a perfect place to create ripe and full bodied wine. The production of wine started over two thousand years ago and whilst Malta is not as well known for its wine as its neighbouring Mediterranean islands, Maltese wine is gradually become more popular and has …

10 Best Things to do in Malta

Malta is a beautiful country with so much to see and do in a very small area. From beautiful beaches to amazing architecture, it’s hard to choose what to do if you only have a small time here. That’s why we thought it would be a great idea to put …

5 Best Beaches in Malta

Being a sunny country with beautiful blue seas, it comes as no surprise to discover that Malta also has a fantastic selection of beaches, both sandy and rocky. Shared through the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino, you are certainly aren’t short of options when searching for the best beach …