Malta Holidays

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Blog posts in category: culture

Exploring Malta: 5 Beautiful Reasons to Visit Malta

Thinking of your next holiday destination? You may not have considered Malta, but as you read the rest of this post, things can change. You might fall in love with this place, giving you a good reason to book your ticket now and start exploring this paradise, which may be …

The Maltese Cross

The Maltese cross is a familiar symbol worldwide and we are sure you will have seen it somewhere or other, even if you didn’t realise! The cross is the symbol of the Knights of Malta which are also known as the Knights Hospitaller. The first evidence of the Maltese Cross …

Religion in Malta

The majority of Malta’s population is Roman Catholic and indeed Roman Catholicism is also the state religion. For such a tiny island there are 365 churches! Most of these churches were built around the 17th century and they are still a very prominent element of the Maltese culture and way …

Three Delicious Local Foods to try in Malta

If you are lucky enough to visit Malta on a holiday then you will have the opportunity to try some of the wonderful local cuisine. The rich history of the island and the many civilisations that have occupied Malta over the years has resulted in Maltese food being a varied …